Gramatik’s Latest Album ‘ The Age of Reason’ available for FREE DOWNLOAD Jan. 25th

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JAN. 24, 2014


The Age of Reason is a benchmark release in the career of Gramatik – a true sonic evolution that marks his debut full-length release on his Lowtemp label. Featuring 15-tracks full of futuristic funk backed by live guitar, bass, piano, organs and soul-bending vocals, the album is packed with elements of rock and hip hop to soul, blues, swing, and everything in between.The album will be available for FREE DOWNLOAD exclusively via tomorrow!

With the upcoming release of The Age of Reason. Gramatik elaborates on the epic LP title, which was “inspired by a stand-up segment by comedian George Carlin. He made a joke on the fact that he was Catholic until he reached the age of reason. I also firmly believe that there comes a time in a human life when you reach the so-called ‘age of reason’ and realize that there are so many irrational beliefs, shameless contradictions and illogical restrictions inflicted upon society for various malicious reasons, things that were deliberately designed to keep us in line and prevent us from reaching our full potential as a species. Some people reach it sooner, others later, but a majority unfortunately never do. [Through my music] I’d like to guide more people to reach the age of reason sooner. Maybe. Or, hopefully at least unite the ones that feel the same way.”

The Age of Reason’s Official Album Release Party will be held at the Best Buy Theater on January 25. Fans who purchase advanced tickets to this event will receive a free Limited Edition “TAOR” Pin. Additional support recently added on the record release party lineup include TOKiMONSTA, Gibbz, and Late Night Radio plus more surprises to be announced. Click HERE for tickets.

In height of his forthcoming seventh full-length LP release out on Lowtemp Records tomorrow, January 25th, the always groovadelic Gramatik unleashes a free download (see Soundcloud, below) of his newest single, “Get A Grip featuring Gibbz.”
