Sónar 2019 Highlights – Connecting music and technology (Interview)


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Music and technology are a regular couple: music challenges technology and pushes its limits, while technology provides artists with tools to build new languages.

Sónar 2019 – Andrew Melchior and Robert Del Naja: Connecting music and technology

Robert Del Naja, musician, visual artist and visible face of Massive Attack; and Andrew Melchior (Chief Technology Officer of the band) have been for some years connecting music and technology in the less obvious and more imaginative ways: from an app that gives the Mezzanine record an interactive dimension, where each track can be infinitely remixed and modified; until converting the songs of this same album into synthetic DNA packaged in a spray can.

Andrew Melchior and Robert Del Naja will share a conversation on stage, about this connection between music and technology that has a potential yet to be discovered.

Interviewed by Peter Kirn.
