Recently premiered on Pete Tong’s radio show, here’s the controversial new collaboration from Krewella & Headhunterz. With Headhunterz’ loyal hardstyle fans accusing him of selling out. Despite the vocals being good, the track with the anti-bullying message is definitely catchy, but far from what we’ve come to know from WIllem Rebergen. What do you guys think? Sound off.
EDM Hardstyle Headhunterz Headhunterz & Krewella Krewella Pete Tong Ultra Music Ultra Records Willem Rebergen
Last modified: November 17, 2013
About the Author / Narikonyc
Hybrid. Multi-processor. Oracle. Indefinitely Wild. Flawed human. Inked savage. Part-time photographer + night athlete. Avid hiker. Never a dull moment. Life on the crest of the wave. Devoting resources to others, rather than having more and more for ourselves brings about lasting well-being. Ramen is life.
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