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Views: 1702

SEPT. 17, 2013


Set in suburban London, ‘Booyah’ tells the story of two kids caught with the infectious party spirit of the title track. Careering around the streets, the buses and the tubes, the pair blast out the reggae infused lyrics of hotly favored vocalist Sonny Wilson from their old-skool boombox swiped from their parent’s house to the capital’s public. As they pass the diverse surroundings of the inner-city scape, the track ebbs and flows in tow to the background. Shifting from Showtek’s signature Electro House, to soulful sounds and finally to a blast of Drum n Bass, Sjoerd and Wouter showcase a masterful ear for distinct production styles. Like our protagonists in the video, Showtek are showing everybody their unique sounds.

A range of styles and tastes make up the Showtek sound prevailing today. From Hip Hop to Pop, the Janssen brothers are happy listening to whatever whenever and applying it to their production – look no further than their exclusive piece with MTV to get a handle on their thinking. To have a listen to just what is in their iPods right now, check out the latest original concept – ‘Showtek Essentials’ – this time hosted by This Song Slaps.

You can purchase BOOYAH on Beatport or preorder via iTunes