[REVIEW] LONDON: New Year’s at The Cause


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New Year’s Eve usually means photo booth props, inspirational quotes, goal-setting and introspective reflections. Kicking off the new year at the The Cause was most certainly the anti-thesis of that. Roll on, 2020!

As promised, The Cause’s New Year’s Eve double-venue blowout was a strong start to the year. The logistics of needing to take a shuttle in between the usual space and the additional warehouse had sounded like it would dampen the evening but their team was fab at making the trips happen swiftly (and kudos to our fellow party people for following instructions.) Big gamble paid off and then some.

The party itself was a multi-venue, multi-room abundance of riches. From thumping bass and pulsating lights through to spontaneous bouts of laser showers, the production stroke the right balance of intensity across the spaces for as little or as long as you chose to stay in each space, or shuttle over to the alternative a short ride away.

As for the music, tickets flew despite a completely unannounced lineup. In fact, for most, the set list remains a mystery but an A-Z was posted as an Insta story, including the likes of Batu, Dan Shake, Grace Sands (Adonis / NYC Downlow), Grainger and Lemmy Ashton (Bugged Out!), Jos (EYA Records), Manalou (Still Life / Syzygy), Medallion Man and L.K.F (Threads), Superlux, and Tom Ellis (Freerotation). It was brilliant getting to follow their mandate of simply feeling out the music and seek new sounds rather than chase established names at specific intervals. I’ll have you know the midnight sets were Kyle Monologue & Fiscal Cliff transitioning to Erol Alkan, Wink, Gregor & A.D.F. (Carcosa), Elevator East, re:ni handing over to Steevio and Suzybee (hybrid live AV set), Train Journey Music holding down the rum bar, as well as Robin Ball (Memory Box) passing the reins to Shay as part of the Adonis warehouse setup. Ironically, the notion of time being deemed irrelevant with midnight as the impetus to the celebration was the ideal way to ensure crowds would enjoy the vibe.

New Year’s Eve @ The Cause London

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On that note, time to plan for their next big events: Easter and May Bank Holiday. Set those countdowns.
