Johannes Brecht to release ‘Dust’ EP on Kompakt’s sub-label KX


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From the record store of Kompakt, our sibling label KX returns just in 
time to drop into the end of the summer season with these blissful 
selections from Johannes Brecht
 (Diynamic, Poker Flat, Mule).

Johannes Brecht
 seeks the sublime with lead track “Synesthetic” – a 
delicate yet potent entry that was inspired by the condition called 
synesthesia, a perceptual condition in which the stimulation of one 
sense triggers an automatic, involuntary experience in another sense.

Flipside “Matter” leans more to to the left-field where found sounds 
mingle to a simmering bass drum. The bonus track “Particulate” 
furthers Johannes’ vast capabilities as a musician by playing E-Bow on 
an medieval instrument called the Dulcimer – the results reflect a 
depth and beauty rarely heard in dance music.

Overall, his “Dust EP” finds beauty through minimalistic arrangement.

Artist: Johannes Brecht
Title: Dust
Record Label: KX
Cat.Number: KX 23
Release Date: 13th September 2019

1) Synesthetic
2) Particulate
3) Matter

Exclusive Snippets –

Pre-Order links –

Artwork in High Res –
