SEPT. 12, 2013
The two fun loving, spacesuit-sporting, South Park-obsessing, Beatport chart-busting conquistadors of clubland return! From the forthcoming ‘Prepare For Lift Off’ EP platform, Denver’s finest are about to put another four fine slabs of electronic dance music into the stratosphere.
Stage 1 of the upcoming ‘Prepare For Lift Off E.P.’ achieves primary ignition with ‘Like Satellites’. Twining its vocal anthemia and sing-a-long radio appeal, North Hollywood-based singer/songwriter Danni Rouge has ‘Lift Off’ heading to the heavens. Having previously top-lined the tracks of Rusko and others, she brings the same magical, accessible catch to the lyrics and moving tones to its vocals.
With the Superstars chunky drum & percussion loops and sky-raking synths manufacturing an electrifying storm in the break, at the top of the drop ‘Satellites’ is hurled clean into orbit.
Further into September Manufactured Superstars will be premiering more of the E.P.’s. tracks. Come the end of the mouth the countdown clock will reach zero and the Prepare For Lift Off Tour will launch, taking in dates around the States are far beyond. Don’t miss!
(To be released through Manufactured Music, Monday, September 16th, 2013) Pre-order here: