Join the Campaign To Save Our Culture, Save Fabric


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Donate to fight with Fabric


Club Class Music Management fully supports Fabric in its appeal against the decision to revoke its license, the owners and staff of this company have spent many a night with the fabric team either working or socially since the day the club opened and you couldn’t find a more professional and conscientious group of people in the industry, we are asking everyone on our databases to support the battle to #saveourculture and reopen to the cultural institution that fabric undoubtedly is.

On 6th September, the police revoked our license to present music, art and culture; something we have been doing with great pride for nearly two decades. They abused archaic licensing laws in order to close us down and they will continue to do so if we do not come together and take action now.

This is about more than fabric – an entire way of life is under threat.

This week we launched #saveourculture to take on this fight and now we’re asking you to join us.

Make a donation to the campaign or grab your own #savefabric tee to support the cause here.


