[Under the Influence] Nicholas Gunn “Love”

WOTN Archive

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Ambient Instrumental Electronic Composer Nicholas Gunn recently released the third gem in his delicate dark ambient series Under the Influence of Music, “Love”.

Considered one of the best selling and most recognized instrumentalists of recent times. Born and raised in the UK and a student of the Royal Academy of Music,Nicholas Gunn has recorded over 15 solo albums selling several million copies worldwide. He is best known for his Southwestern flair which is well represented on his best selling albums The Sacred Fire and The Music of the Grand Canyon. Today, Gunn is exploring new soundscapes with a provocative series of recordings titled Under the Influence of Music.

“Our Lives are framed by musical Landscapes that fill every soul of our being…We are all under the influence of music.”

Nicholas Gunn

Nicholas Gunn Official





Nicholas Gunn “Love” is available on iTunes and Amazon.

Stream/Listen to
Nicholas Gunn “Love”:
