[Album Review] Solarstone Presents: Pure Trance Volume Two mixed by Solarstone + Giuseppe Ottaviani

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OCT. 31, 2013


At first I wasn’t sure my speakers were turned on….Solarstone’s latest compilation CD, Pure Trance Volume Two with Giuseppe Ottaviani…The album starts softly…really softly…but it’s just a gentle introduction to what is an amazing ride through trance – old, new and everything in between.

Capturing and blending his, Richard Mowatt’s, sound and style with those of all the great producers and DJ’s he’s collaborated with, and who have played, in his Pure Trance events around the world; he’s managed to take what was a trance lover’s dream with Volume One and transcend it to absolute trance beat bliss in Volume Two.

Images of blue beaches, white sand and the pinky-orange of a sunset sky come to mind. I guess that’s not surprising, his Pure tracks are often described as warm and beautiful. It’s euphoric…it’s stunning…it’s intense….yes, all of those…separately and at the same time.

Pure was Solarstone’s project to bring back together the pieces of what he considered to be a fractured sound of trance. I truly believe he’s done that, and so much more. It’s harmonic and transcending but doesn’t leave you hanging on the beats or the pulse pounding rhythms.
Lovers” featuring Lemon is pure bliss and is truly the moment, at least for me, that I was hooked and could not stop listening…I wanted more…and the rest of the album does not disappoint, especially as the midpoint beat peaks with his most recent Pure Mix “Love Theme from Blade Runner”.

On Disc 2, Italy’s Giuseppe Ottaviani gives the compilation an edge with an overture of toughened trance logistics. He successfully engineers the chemistry of the tracks of nu-bloods like John Mash, Colonial One and Andrea Mazza with those of Darren Tate, Sied van Riel and other trance establishment.

Without a doubt a huge step up from Pure Trance Volume 1, a pretty tough task to achieve, and we agree with MIXMAG that it should be crowned  Album of the Month. It’s not hard to see, or should I say hear, why.

If you didn’t know Solarstone or Giuseppe Ottaviani, this is the album to make you a true fan of both artists, of trance music. More importantly this is a declaration of what trance music is, or should be.

Reviewed by Lauren Stafford

Solarstone Presents Pure Trance 2 Mixed by Solarstone & Giuseppe Ottaviani  (Out now on Black Hole Recordings)

Order Pure Trance 2: here
